Seven Stars Sacred Pill

Within the Lianyao Flask.

Jiang Feng led Li Xiaoyao and the others to Zhao Ling'er, who was still unconscious.

"Impossible! I have already changed history, but why would she still…"

Li Xiaoyao looked at Zhao Ling'er, who was lying on dozens of animal pelts, and mumbled in disbelief as he shook his head.

Jiang Feng gave him a glance and said nothing.

While he did not know what Li Xiaoyao did ten years ago, he could guess according to the original story.

Li Xiaoyao went back ten years ago wanting to change history and save everyone.

He had sent Zhao Ling'er to another island when she was still young.

But he did not know that the world was just a giant sphere. He rode on the Golden-Winged Phoenix and circled the entire globe, and returned to Xianling Island in the end. He did not change history at all.