The Final Test

Jiang Feng had noticed it.

There were seven moves for the Sword of Time sword style.

And he could easily learn the seven moves by learning it from an opponent that uses the Sword of Time sword style.

He could also perceive and master it himself, but it would be much more difficult.

Ding. System Prompt. Congratulations on passing the test and receiving Zhuge Liang's Recruitment Order.

Jiang Feng had just damaged his duplicate and was going to continue to learn the next Sword of Time move, the system's voice rang in his ears and an order tablet appeared in his hand. And he was stunned because of that.


As soon as the system's voice rang, his figure disappeared from the Heavenly Stairs and appeared in a cottage with a roof made of straw.

Within the cottage, there was a very handsome man wearing a white coat with long, silver hair.