The Second Ability of the Monster Transmutation System

Animal Arena, Chinatown, the United States of America!

His father had built an Animal Arena in a small manor near Chinatown.

When he reached the Animal Arena, he then saw a lot of the upper echelon of society walking in and out of the Animal Arena.

When he saw the people, he knew that the Animal Arena had been around for quite a while. Otherwise, there would not be so many people here.

T/L Note: No PETA? No Greenpeace? You sure this is the US lol?

"Come with me!"

As soon as he arrived at the Animal Arena and before he even stepped into it, a very graceful American woman wearing a suit came before him and greeted him.


Jiang Feng frowned and followed the woman.

He then arrived at a mansion within the Animal Arena as he followed the woman.

When he entered the mansion, he saw a man in his thirties standing in the room, waiting for him.

After the woman led him in, she then closed the mansion's door.