Who is the Traitor?

After Jiang Feng found out about the location of the five factions and his father's location, he did not stay in the Animal Arena. Instead, he looked for a car and went straight to the World Trade Center.

As for the members of the upper management of the other factions within the Animal Arena, he had them all tied up and locked in a secret room.

They were completely useless to him, but they might be useful for his dad.


Heaven's Gate, Fais Gang, Crusader Order, Qingmu Gang, and Caesar Gang's location in Chinatown.

The battle continued on.

But this time, it was not the men in black that were doing the slaughter.

As soon as the men in black rushed into their headquarters, they were surrounded by a group of people before managing to kill many of them.

"It's a trap! Retreat! Break up!"

When the leader of the men in black saw what had happened, his face turned sour and called out coldly, and then began to make their escape.