You Cannot Afford to Test My Bottom Line

The twelve shadows that instantly killed all eighteen Grandmasters were the Twelve Poison Kings that Jiang Feng had raised.

After being delivered to the area nearby Xuanyuan family's compound, the Twelve Poison Kings had then secretly sneaked into their compound.

The eighteen Grandmasters had already been poisoned without them sensing anything.

However, the poison remained inert. It was only after Jiang Feng had yelled out angrily did the Twelve Poison Kings that were hidden on the Grandmasters activate their poison and used it to instantly kill all eighteen of them to their horror.

T/L Note: You're telling me no one noticed the spiders, octopi, and scorpions on them? What is this? Skyrim?

Xuanyuan Tianjing had become anxious as he himself was also a Grandmaster. He immediately activated his chi shield and yelled at Jiang Feng, "I have let your mother go! Why are you still attacking me?"