Space Slash

Xuanyuan Qi and thousands of other players were sucked into the vortex and entered the desert.

They had all walked in the desert for a very long time, resisting the heat as they tried looking for somewhere cooler to hide from the heat.

In the end, they entered the ancient building.

After they had entered the ancient building, the sky began to darken.

The group of players stood on the top of the ancient building in shock as they looked at the yellow sand slowly turning black.

They did not think that the sand would change color at night.

The entire desert became terrifying as the temperature dropped, and all the players began to shiver and quickly equip fire-elemental equipment to resist the cold.

"Look, is that…?" At this time, a player pointed toward the desert.

Xuanyuan Qi and the other players looked toward the desert, "What the heck? I see a motorcycle running at full speed in the desert!"