Destruction of the Angel Nation  

Looking at the ante that Qiu Si gave him, Jiang Feng became excited.

He saw two fragments in his palm.

The two fragments were none other than the fragments for the Donghuang Bell.

He originally already had 99 Donghuang Bell fragments. With the two that Qiu Si gave to him, he now had 101 fragments.

That meant that there were only seven Donghuang Bell fragments out there.

As soon as he had gathered the last seven fragments of the Bell, he could then restore the Donghuang Bell.

While the Donghuang Bell was not the most powerful among the ten Primordial Divine Artifacts, a complete Donghuang Bell would no doubt be more powerful than a Sacred Artifact.

"It really is a surprise," He smiled as he put away the two Donghuang Bell fragments.

As there were fewer and fewer Donghuang Bell fragments out there, it was getting more difficult for him to find them as well. The two fragments that Qiu Si gave him could help him save some time.