Bird On A Tree

No one would die from sparring in the building used to teach.

The one who lost would retain one last point of Sacred Health.

When little Modi's Sacred Health only had 1 left, he had already lost.

"I do not admit defeat! Again!" Little Modi recovered his health fully and headed straight toward Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan did not choose to be passive this time and immediately rushed toward little Modi.

This time, it took Jiang Fan less than three seconds to reduce little Modi's health to only one HP remaining.


Little Modi was quite stubborn and did not surrender, and again challenged Jiang Fan.

Very quickly, he lost once again.


Little Modi kept on challenging Jiang Fan, but he was not his match, and finally surrendered after Jiang Fan kept on defeating him.

"I surrender! Stop! Stop!" After losing dozens of times, little Modi finally surrendered.