Who Told You to Point the Gun

However, Murong Qingcang had only received one sentence in terms of text.

The Gatekeeper of the Yin Sect possesses this order tablet, if you see it you either treat him with respect or step aside!

All the large factions knew the terror of the Yin Sect.

They also did not expect that the Yin Sect would go through some changes and even had a new Gatekeeper.

The person that could become the Gatekeeper of the Yin Sect would he himself be equal to a super faction that no one could stand against!

It would be weird if he was not afraid of him.

'Hm? Looks like I didn't fail after all!' Jiang Feng froze slightly as he looked at Murong Qingcang's reaction, and it quickly turned into a smile.

When he saw that Murong Qingcang was still standing there, he then said in a soft voice as he swirled the wine in his glass, "Do I still need to say anything?"