Divine Sword Duxiu’s Letter

"Exploding Fist!"

Not only was his health fully recovered, his Inner Chi and combat rating had also increased after eating a Middle-Yellow Rank Beast Pill.

Not only that, he noticed that his chi was slowly recovering even during the battle at a rate of 3 points per second.

The Beast Pill never mentioned that the beast pill had a chi recovering effect like this.

"I guess it must be because I used my real body to take the beast pill!" He mumbled to himself as he engaged with the Blue Ice Wolf with his Qingfeng Sword.

The Blue Ice Wolf's attacks were mostly chi attacks and it was similar to magic.

Therefore, when fighting with the Blue Ice Wolf, he needed to go into melee.

When the Blue Ice Wolf saw that Jiang Feng was going to engage it in melee, it quickly retreated.