Birth of a Pre-Creation Spiritual Treasure

Once the cat woman Li'er had said that, she turned her hand over and an identity card appeared in her hand.

To him, a man that did not kill her in her hour of danger and even saved her life had earned the right to be her friend.

Not to mention that Jiang Feng already knew about her secret about entering the game using her real body.

If he were to become her friend, then there was no need to be worried about exposing her identity. Perhaps, it might be better for her after this in the Great World of Tianji.

When he saw what the cat woman Li'er did, Jiang Feng smiled and took out his identity card and placed it together with the cat woman Li'er's card.

"Add Friend. Party up!" Both of them said the same thing without communicating with each other beforehand.

In the next moment, both of them had added each other as friends and had successfully formed a party.

Once they had formed a party, the cat woman Li'er unlocked her information.