Voldemort’s Blood Sacrifice  

The peak that was filled with black mist was filled with a bizarre aura.

The rhythmic roar on the mountain top was only maintained for a while before disappearing. Instead, there was the scent of blood in the air.

"Where is the scent of blood coming from?" Jiang Feng frowned as he slowly searched the mountains. He then quickly headed to the mountain top.

Luckily, the mountain was not very tall. Using Expeditious Steps, he quickly reached the area around the top of the mountain.

He looked up, and he was shocked to see around two hundred monsters of various types congregating. They were all Black Realm Three Stars and above.

These monsters were all lying on their bellies in a circle, and they did not dare to let out even a sound.

In the middle of their circle was a blood pool.

There were some humans tied up near the blood pool. There were men and women, both old and young.