Getting into the Top Five

After winning 20 rounds, Jiang Feng returned to his waiting room and checked on the number of remaining contestants.

Only 128 people were currently left.

It seemed that after winning one more round, he could then prepare for the finals.

These hundred-odd people were all elites. After the Tianji Leaderboard's next refresh, most of the top 100 would be born from those that had reached this stage.

After resting for a bit, his 21st match had begun.

This time, he encountered another acquaintance of his.

There were three players on the Tianji Leaderboard that went to look for the treasure in Wuwang Peak. They were Chuge, Stanza, and Lingjie.

He had already killed Chuge at the Ruins of the Godlike. He was not sure where he was right now.

He had just killed Stanza, and now he encountered Lingjie. It seemed that enemies were bound to meet each other eventually.