Empowering Followers  

"Do you want to have a lick? Hehe… Nope, not letting you," Heifeng took out a sticky chicken drumstick and used it to tease Jiang Feng like a kid.

Jiang Feng yelled with a serious expression, "Scram!"

Heifeng then walked next to him and said, "Boss, we have not fought together for so long. Can you bring us to the Bottomless Pit? We want to become more powerful, so…"

Heifeng and the other monsters had followed Jiang Feng from the Divine Dominion Continent to Dragonquarry. During their travels together, they had felt touched, they had felt sorrow, they had felt despair, they had also felt joy.

But as Jiang Feng's power became more and more powerful, his followers could help him less and less. The opportunities for them to fight together had also become fewer and fewer.

They really wanted to fight with Jiang Feng, but they were afraid of dragging him down. That was why they stopped looking for Jiang Feng in the later stages.