Quite Strange

Jiang Feng was not a busybody.

However, if there was something that did not sit well with him, then he would need to do something about it.

For example, if there were two groups fighting, he would choose to ignore it since it had nothing to do with him, not to mention that he was not required to help.

But if a group of people was hitting a child, no one would be able to stand around and do nothing. Naturally, he would go help.

Just like right now. He saw a man beating a child, and the boy was already injured all over. Everyone around them simply stood by and watched. But he had the power to intervene, so he would naturally not stand by and watch like the others.

"How dare you, you little thief! How dare you steal my things! I'm going to kill you!" The one beating him was a hotel manager called Li Shangguang. He was very obese with a large head and big ears. He looked like he was quite oily.

He was hitting the boy with a broom in his hand.