Mirror Image Secret Map

It was not that those in the Xingyue Area and Tianmo Area could not go to the other area. Otherwise, those from the Tianmo Area would not be able to frequently get into the Xingyue Area to commit murder.

The only thing was, there were very powerful people guarding both areas where the two areas meet. It was very difficult to cross over. They would need to find a place where no one was guarding.

It was good for Jiang Feng to know about a passageway that no one else knew.

With the Monster Transmutation System, he could get a lot of Black Pills through Transmute Monster. He might even be able to obtain Earth Soul.

If he needed more money, he could go to the passageway the two men in black had mentioned.

As for the two men in black that had arrived at the Xingyue Area, they were beyond his control. And he also could not stop them.