The Veluriyam Queen

After killing the guard leader, the remaining seven guards were no longer a threat to them.

Jianbao still had plenty of Inner Chi, and it was able to deal with the guards very easily.

Very quickly, they were able to kill the guards. They then came before the final door within this temple.

"We should rest and recover first, and enter when we're at our best," Jiang Feng said to the others. He then sat down with legs crossed and treated the injuries that had been caused by the Black Pill.

Sus and the others had also gotten some injuries. And so, they did not say anything else and sat down in front of the door to rest.

Ding. Tianji System Prompt; Congratulations. You have mastered the Black Thunder Chi Shield.

When he was almost fully healed, the system's voice suddenly sounded in his ears. He was surprised at first but was immediately overcome with joy.