The Terrifying Voldemort

The Demon Palace was located in the center of Tianmo Region, in Tianmo City.

It was also the only force in Tianmo Region, managed by a Palace Master and four Demon Kings.

Today, the Palace Master of the Demon Palace, Yeroth, had gathered the four Demon Kings and many other experts together in the palace to discuss an important matter.

Yeroth was a middle-aged man dressed in a black robe. He had a black horn that protruded from his forehead, and he was now seated on the main throne.

Glancing down upon the masses of the upper echelons of the Demon Palace, he pointed to a bald man with a terrifying, scared face who was seated on the third seat from the right. 

"This is Voldemort. He will be the fifth Demon King of the Demon Palace in the future."

"Palace Master, but he is only a Rank-3 Heaven Realm. How can he be a Demon King?"

A three-headed, six-armed Demon King sitting beside Voldemort asked unwittingly.