Who Dares to Accept My Challenge?!

Above the Endless Desert, the scorching sun was so hot that it could set the desert ablaze.

It was fortunate that they were in a game. Otherwise, the four factions would have collapsed from dehydration even before they started fighting.

Even so, many people were already wiping their sweat.

At this moment, Kitazawa Hinata of the Divines faction appeared. His figure disappeared and then reappeared in the middle of the desert. He floated in the air and shouted in a very domineering manner, "Who dares to challenge Kitazawa Hinata of the Divines?!"

It was a challenge!

This was a common practice in large-scale battles.

Powerful generals from both sides would come out and duel. By killing the general of the opposing camp, they could then boost the morale of their army.

Morale was key in large-scale battles and it was the best way to boost morale.