Dead-Cicada World  

Animal Arena, Jingdu City.

Ling Feiyu held her big belly as she looked helplessly at her mother and mother-in-law. "I'm just going up for a while. I'm really fine!"

Li Ran said with a serious tone, "No, the game terminal also releases radiation. What if my grandson is born deformed?"

Xuanyuan Minrou nodded in agreement. "Your mother's right. You're not allowed to enter Divine Dominion. It's best to be careful. If something happens to my grandson when he's born, it'll be too late!"

The Great Divine-Infernal War, the final battle in Divine Dominion.

Ling Feiyu had been playing this game since the public beta. After she became pregnant, she had basically never played it again.

However, Divine Dominion had great significance to her.

Not only did it let her experience joys and sorrows, but it had also allowed her to meet her one true love.

She had to participate in the final battle in Divine Dominion regardless of the cost.