The Fox Mother And Her Family

In order to give Ling Feiyu a good environment for confinement.

He brought Ling Feiyu to another room and released a lot of Qi of true spirit from his body to replenish her depleted vitality.

In order to prevent others from harming his wife and son, he had the Vermillion Bird thoroughly investigate everyone in the Colosseum.

More than a dozen people were found and all of them were locked up.

There was one thing that he really wanted to figure out, and that was how his child had killed those two doctors.

Although his child looked healthy, there were no fluctuations of inner strength or Zhen Qi on his body. He was completely just an ordinary child.

In order to figure it out, he used his perception to find the other doctors who had delivered the babies. He carefully searched through their memories.

After searching for a while, a complete picture of the two doctors fighting appeared in his mind.