One Sword Beam Shakes The Nine Provinces

It was a pleasant surprise for Jiang Feng to draw the spiritual wood of flesh.

He put the spiritual wood of flesh into the Golden Dragon Ring and continued to draw.

Thank you for your patronage!

Thank you for your patronage!


Perhaps his luck was not working, or rather, he had run out of it. After drawing ten times, nothing appeared, which made him a little speechless.

"I don't believe it. Continue!"

[ Ding ~ Demon Refining System Notification ] : Congratulations on drawing a blood escape talisman.

[ blood escape talisman ] : special item

Description: after using it, it will appear anywhere within 500 kilometers randomly. Each use will consume a certain amount of blood essence. Use It carefully.

"I finally drew it. It seems to be an escape talisman."

Jiang Feng looked at the attributes of the blood escape charm and muttered.