Heaven’s Secret City

From the swastika's narration, Jiang Feng finally knew the reason for their poisoning, as well as the reason for the death of these giants.

It turned out that it was all because of the Gu clan's self-detonation.

"I didn't expect the blood king Gu to be so terrifying. Fortunately, now that I know, I have to be careful if I encounter a Gu clan's transcendent peak expert in the future!"

Jiang Feng thought to himself.

To him, the Blood King Gu was not a threat, but to others, it was different. It was fatal!

Once a Gu clansman with the blood king gu chose to self-destruct in a crowded place, or put their blood into a source of food and water, the residents here would be doomed.

It would not be long before the entire western region would become a hellish existence.

However, after thinking about it, he felt relieved.