Netherspirit Pearl

[ Netherspirit Pearl ] : SS Grade Secret Treasure

Spiritual Power + 2

Spiritual Power Strength + 10%

It can nourish spiritual power and make spiritual power stronger.

Additional ability: spiritual stinging. It can directly use spiritual power to attack the enemy!

"So it's a secret treasure used by an awakener, and it's SS grade. Its attributes are not bad, and it can directly fight against opponents of a higher level!"

This secret treasure had an additional 2 points of spiritual power, which meant that it could allow an awakener who was comparable to a peak transcendent-level powerhouse to have some strength at the early stage of the Divine Soul Realm.

It was a good secret treasure.

With a wave of his hand, a surge of Qi of true spirit rushed over and wrapped around the Netherspirit Pearl.

With this secret treasure, he could negotiate with the Xuan Mo clan.

"Let's go, follow me down."