Crown Prince Norka

Norka was the son of the king and his handmaidens.

In the eyes of the other concubines and princes, even if Norka was a prince, his status was very lowly.

It was precisely because of this that he and his mother were humiliated in the palace.

There was even one time when he was almost killed by the crown prince.

It was precisely because of this that when the concubines and princes saw that he had become stronger and returned, they all revealed worried expressions.

They were afraid that Norka would find trouble with them.


After Norka helped his mother up, he looked at the concubines and princes who were looking at him, and his eyes turned cold.

"Boom Boom... Squeak..."

At this moment, a large group of insect monsters rushed in from outside.

Norka released his Qi of true spirit and used it to wrap Alice up, protecting her. At the same time, dozens of silver needles appeared in his hands and he threw them out.