The Origin Of The Planet

Ao Xu looked at the Dragon King.

Although his heart was full of doubts, he did not dare to ask.

Regardless of whether the Dragon King's strength was the same as his, the person in front of him was a real dragon after all, and a five-clawed golden dragon that was the Emperor of dragons.

Even if the other party did not have any strength, he would not humiliate the Dragon King.

Just this bloodline alone was enough to make him respect!

Because this bloodline was their faith!

"Hello, Dragon King. I am Ao Xu, the Half-dragon clan's Dragon Prince!"

Ao Xu said respectfully to the Dragon King.

"OH."The Dragon King nodded.

His previous memories had basically all disappeared. His current memories only remembered the memory of Jiang Feng rescuing him.

It was also because of the blank memory that he was not good at talking.

However, he could feel that he was very close to the half-dragon race.