The First Fruit Ripens

Time is a knife.

It can grind away a person's childishness, a person's spirit, a person's character..

Twenty years, it can change a person.

Seventy years, while you change yourself, you are also changing others.

One hundred and seventy years, your character will be extremely mature or extreme.

Divine Mystery World.

It was becoming more and more mature.

40-50 years after Dongyang and the other two left the Fey Thearch Mountain.

An even greater turmoil broke out.

This time, it was not a battle between countries, but a battle between martial artists.

It had been more than 100 years since Dongyang and the other two had left the mountain.

Many people's strength was already very high.

There were quite a number of heaven and transcendental realms.

As everyone's strength increased, their thirst for resources also became higher and higher.