Who Said That?

Mount Kunlun.

An hour later.

Jiang Feng had successfully comprehended the heavenly soul stone inscription.

He had also left a soul in the Kunlun Mirror.

Now, his strength had already reached the peak of the Godly King realm.

With a wave of his hand.

The laws of time and space were under his control.

This made him extremely happy.

Originally, he thought that he needed to comprehend the laws by himself.

What he did not expect was that while he was comprehending the ten great ancient divine arts, the laws were already deeply rooted. As long as he reached a certain realm, he would be able to easily control them.

He stood up from his seclusion.

He discovered that the time barrier around him had changed. This made him somewhat surprised.

At this moment, he looked at shi long and asked, "Are you using your ability again?"