Divine Emperor Jiang Feng

The divine realm.

The Divine Mountain.

At the top of the Divine Mountain, the clouds were covered with rolling golden lightning.

Numerous golden dragons swooped down from the clouds and hacked at the nine-clawed Golden Dragon that was coiled in the air.


Jiang Feng faced the sky and roared. He opened his dragon mouth and swallowed the Lightning that was like a golden dragon.


A muffled sound of thunder rang out from Jiang Feng's body.

"How is this possible? He swallowed it directly?"

The iron emperor exclaimed in shock when he saw Jiang Feng swallowing the emperor's tribulation.

He remembered how dangerous it was when he was undergoing the emperor's tribulation back then. He almost died.

It wasn't just him.

When other god-emperors were undergoing the emperor's tribulation, they also had a slim chance of survival.