
Xia Yuxun's back leaned against the door, seemingly scared soulless. She frighteningly turned her head and saw that an arm was pressing against the wall beside her ear. When she tilted her stiff neck back, her eyes met the face that held a gloomy and thunderous expression…

Uhm, Leng Sichen?

She was scared witless. Why isn't this man sitting properly behind his desk? Why is he scaring people by standing behind the door?

But… did he just "ka-boom" her? Pinning her against the wall?

If it weren't for the fact that this person's expression was far too terrifying, this image that she's dreamt of would make her feel flustered.

But now, she was flustered due to raw fear…

As the person before her wasn't speaking and was focused on emitting cold air, she had to proactively cough, "Um… boss, did you need me for something?"

"You are three hours late." Leng Sichen's voice was so cold it was chipping.

"Uhm… actually, it's two hours and 53 minutes…" she explained without realizing this may kill her.

"Where did you go last night?" Leng Sichen checked out her new set of clothes. He's never seen her wear this. Plus, this clothing brand is extremely expensive. No way she bought it herself.

Xia Yuxun's eyes blinked rapidly and her gaze wandered, "N… nowhere!"

Leng Sichen hissed and approached closer, "Then why are you acting with so much guilt?"

"I am not feeling guilty!" She objected, elongating her neck.

"When you feel guilty, you stutter, avoid my gaze, and your eyes blink faster. After you get busted, your finger, out of habit, would…" Leng Sichen paused here and his gaze landed on her hand.

Xia Yuxun followed his gaze and quickly relaxed her fingers that were tangled up in his clothes.

Enough of this. Before this man whom she grew up with, she had absolutely no privacy.

"I am going to ask you one more time. Where did you go last night? Why didn't you go home!" Leng Sichen suppressed his anger and asked again.

The Leng family's place was right next to hers. Leng Sichen is very hardworking and normally reads until very late. During her countless sleepless nights, especially right after the death of her mother, she would always catch a glimpse of the warm and settling light from his room.

Then, though she had gotten over her pain and he had moved out of his old home, she felt deeply attached to him.

It looks like Leng Sichen returned to his old home last night. Or else how would he know she didn't go home?

Xia Yuxun's embarrassment turned into fury due to his threatening tone. She burst out without thinking, "Why do you care where I went? Does it concern you? Who do you think you are? You are asking too much…"

"Heh, who am I?" Leng Sichen laughed in a low voice, "Xia Yuxun, your month-end bonus…"

Xia Yuxun quickly stopped him from speaking anymore, "Boss! Boss! Director! I was wrong! Last night, I went to a bar. Because I was in a bad mood, I had too much to drink. But it didn't affect my work. Next time… I –"

Leng Sichen interrupted her, "Bad mood? Why were you in a bad mood?"

Xia Yuxun glared at him then lowered her head to look at her finger, "I pursued you for 20 years and I wasn't successful. Then, I had to watch as you got snatched away by another woman. Why would I be in a good mood…"