A Glimpse of the Unexpected

Outside, Annie hurriedly walked up to the Xia Yuxun, who had left the office, "How did it go... Ah, you cried…"

Xia Yuxun didn't speak and marched towards the direction of the elevator in large strides. She was in a rush to escape others' investigative gazes.

Behind her, everyone looked at each other and appeared as if they had just gone through something shocking.

To Annie and everyone else who works there, the small build, lean, and beautiful Xia Yuxun is truly an iron man. One second, she gets stabbed, and the next second, she begins to chat and joke with everyone about life. She had once single-handedly fought against 10 hoodlums who came to the company for trouble – a fight that later made her famous.

A woman this strong cried?

Annie touched her shocked chest and fearfully looked over to the dark and eerie office that belonged to the director.

"My god! Xia Yuxun is crying? Did I see that right…"

Qin Feili looked over to Xia Yuxun's direction and her gaze was sluggish, "You didn't see it wrong. I saw it as well…"


She cannot take it anymore!

Leng Sichen was not her childhood friend, he was more like Mount Everest! She has been climbing for almost 20 years yet she still cannot reach the peak and she has almost been frozen to death every time she tried…

Xia Yuxun buried her head and dashed out. Because she wasn't paying attention to the road, she ran into someone. The impact from the run resulted in both of them collapsing onto the ground.

She completely fell on top of that person.

A muffled voice from a man arrived from below her. Xia Yuxun crawled her way up and apologize unstoppably, "Sorry! Sorry! I am so sorry!"

"Um, can you help me find my glasses? I cannot see…" The man pleaded while searching.

"Ah! Yes!" Xia Yuxun quickly found the gold-framed glasses that was inches away from where his wandering hand. Her own glasses had broke. Luckily, the lenses had no prescription so her vision wasn't compromised.

"Thanks!" The man put on his glasses and found the crying little woman before him to be wearing a crushed up pair of glasses.

"I am so sorry. Your glasses broke because of me! Can you leave me your contact information? I will pay you back for them!"

It's over. When she saw the brand-named tag on the glasses, she realized it would cost her her monthly salary.

"It's okay. It's just a pair of glasses. Don't cry. It's okay!" The man's voice was strangely gentle, making people feel comfortable like they are showering in the spring wind.

This warm voice had a contrary effect on Xia Yuxun and ignited all the sadness she had felt. Kneeling, she began to cry loudly.

The man looked at her helplessly. "It's really okay! I don't need you to buy me new glasses!"

Xia Yuxun shook her head urgently, "No! It's not because of you! I just really wanted to cry…"

The man finally sighed in relief and then smiled like a gentleman, "If you want to cry, I can lend you my shoulder."

Xia Yuxun raised her head in shock and looked at this man she's met by coincidence.

His visage was handsome, his smile was warm, and his hair was slightly light brown. The afternoon sun shone on him from the end of the hall and landed on him, making him look holy and pure.

He was like a prince from a fairy tale.

Why does it feel like she's seen that face somewhere? Especially this hair color, it's looking very familiar!

Xia Yuxun was a little embarrassed and stopped crying. With a bitter smile, she said, "This is so embarrassing… thank you, I am fine now!"

"Are you better now?"

Xia Yuxun nodded, "Where are you going? You probably can't see well. Let me take you!"

"That's okay. I will get to my destination after I turn!" the man smiled.

"Then, give me your contact information! I will definitely pay you back for those glasses!"

The man thought about it. After seeing how determined she seemed, he handed her his business card.

Xia Yuxun took over the card.

The vice director of the Leng Corporation. Leng Siche…

She watched in disbelief as the man left.

He is Leng Sichen's little brother, who has been in the States since he was a child due to illness, and who has just come back after studying abroad?

Thinking back, when she was a young rascal child, she had once hit and hurt his head…