Deep Sadness

After an hour, Xia Yuxun still hadn't come out.

Leng Siche placed down the documents in hand and looked over to the bathroom, unsettled.

After another 20 minutes, Leng Siche was truly worried and went to knock on the bathroom door.

"Lil' Xuan, are you good? Lil' Xuan?"

Leng Siche's heart felt tight. He straight up went to twist the doorknob. The door opened with a crackling sound. She didn't lock the door.

There was some fog inside the bathroom. Then, he saw…

That young girl had fallen asleep with her head on top of the toilet.

Her hair was half dry and she was wearing his white shirt. She hasn't even had the chance to button it all the way up. It just covered her loosely.

The shirt on her looked extremely large. It covered her hands and went all the way below the knees. It looked like a stage costume.

She was going to get sick like this.

However, Leng Siche stood there. He was only a few steps away but he couldn't muster the courage to walk over to her.

He couldn't face Xia Yuxun like this.

All the emotions he's suppressed over the past few years were currently put on trial.

Only when Xia Yuxun sneeze gently, did Leng Siche abruptly wake up. Ignoring all the other factors, he quickly walked over and picked her up by the waist.


He placed her onto the bed. Just as he was about to leave, Xia Yuxun suddenly opened her eyes.

Leng Siche was already feeling unsettled. He was completely startled by this and stuttered, "Lil' Xun, you're awake? I… I saw you fell asleep in the bathroom, so I… I wasn't…"

Xia Yuxun used much strength and held down Leng Siche's shoulders. Then, with a sharp shove, she pressed down onto him. Her pair of monster-like eyes shone brightly.

"Lil' Xuan… You…"

Xia Yuxuan stared at Leng Siche. As she stared more and more, tears filled her eyes, and then one drop landed on his cheek.

Leng Siche immediately became flustered, "Lil' Xun, what's wrong? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I didn't see anything…"

Xia Yuxun's tears grew more aggressive.

"I… I will take responsibility…" Leng Siche said with a red face.

"Bastard…" Xia Yuxun's hands turned into fists as she held them against his chest. Then, she continued to choke, "Why? Why do you treat me this way? Why do you take advantage of me?"

"I, I, I can explain… can you stop crying…" Leng Siche had completely lost his composure.

She dragged onto his shirt and cried until her lungs were torn, "Chen, I like you so much. Why can't you like me just a little? Just a little… a little would be enough… Why do you keep on saying such cruel words.."

When the word "Chen" was said, Leng Siche felt like a bucket of cold water was poured onto his head and down his back.

"Chen… Chen… can you not ignore me… can you not hate me? I am scared… I am truly scared…"

Leng Siche's body quivered. In the next second, he furiously pressed down onto her. His eyes were full of pain, "Xia Yuxun, don't you know that you are the one being cruel? How come you can only see him? How come your world revolves around him? You can't see me at all? Even though I have come back, you still cannot see me?"

"Chen… Chen…" she mumbled mindlessly.

In the end, only self-mockery and deep sadness remained in Leng Siche's eyes.