
Leng Sichen couldn't focus all morning as he spun around in his chair. Many times, he wanted to call Xia Yuxun over to ask her his questions but he supressed himself.

Finally, when Annie came to bring him his coffee, Leng Sichen asked with a cold face, "Where's Xia Yuxun?"

Annie answered carefully, "She isn't here yet."

If Xia Yuxun was here, why would Annie be the one assigned the dangerous mission of bringing this guy his coffee?

"What?" Leng Sichen frowned.

That girl has gotten more and more wild. Now that Siche has returned, she feels as though she could now think nothing of him?

When he remembered that she could be with Siche right now, his chest felt tight and he felt like he was suffocating.

Just then, the internal phone line rang.

Leng Siche picked up, exasperated, "Hello."

"Hey, bro, it's me."

"What is it?"

"Can you transfer Lil' Xun to me?"

He's asking for her so soon? Leng Sichen felt even more certain about his guess.

"What? You aren't satisfied with the people I arranged for you?"

"Brother, you know why."

"Siche, about that, it'd be best if you can separate your professional life from your personal one. Having her by your side all the time may not be the best idea."

"Brother, it's also for your own good. You are basically engaged with my sister-in-law. Aren't you scared my sister-in-law will get jealous if you work beside a woman who's obsessed with you?" Leng Siche said half jokingly.

"Is she the one asking you to talk to me? Get her on the phone!" Leng Sichen's voice was brewing up a storm.

On the other end of the line, Leng Siche had a look of confusion, "Get her on the phone? You think she's with me? I'm the one who came up with this idea. Lil' Xun has no idea. Actually, I mentioned it to her this morning but she didn't even accept."

"She's not there? Then where did she run off to?" Leng Sichen frowned. 

"She got drunk last night and was scared that uncle would get mad at her so she stayed with me. We came to work together this morning. She came in before I did! How could she still not here?" Leng Siche became worried. 

"It looks like there's no need for you to ask me for her. I might as well just write her a termination letter. I don't need someone who has no sense of responsibility."

On the other end of the line, Leng Siche was silent. Then, he said hastily, "Oh no, could it be that she didn't see the sign that the elevator is under repair…"

Leng Sichen was reminded by this. He thought that with her IQ, the likelihood of that happening was above 90%.


"It shouldn't be too bad. Even if she is trapped inside, there is no danger. If we inform the technicians, we should get it repaired pretty quickly. Hello… hello? Bro?"

"That girl is claustrophobic!"

After hanging up, Leng Sichen ran downstairs.

As he ran, he dialed Xia Yuxun's number and saw that it was out of range. Out of anger, he slammed his cell to the ground.

They quickly fetched the technicians.

Leng Sichen stormed around by the elevator door and impatiently tugged on his tie.

He planned to lecture that woman the moment she comes out.

By the time the elevator had been repaired, it was time to get off work.

When the elevator door opened, Xia Yuxun was seen curled up in the corner of the elevator. Her face was chalk white and she was soaked in sweat…

Leng Sichen gasped and walked over in large leaps. With very gentle movements, he carried her outside. He had forgetten all the harsh things he planned to say to her.

Her tiny body quivered uncontrollably inside his embrace. Hazed, she mumbled, "Mama, don't hit me. Don't leave me.. save me… save me… it's so dar… it's so cold… Sichen… Sichen I'm so scared…"

Leng Sichen's heart twisted into a knot, "Xun, it's okay. I'm here."