Cat and Mouse

After she heard what Ou Mingxuan said, Xia Yuxun was stunned and she looked over at him, "Senior, you didn't rush back because of my strange phone call last night right?"

Ou Mingxuan's body quivered and he softly hissed, "Xia Yuxun, stop over valuing yourself!"

Only then did Xia Yuxun sigh in relief. She patted her own chest, "You scared me. You bastard! I felt touched a moment there."

Ou Mingxuan cursed in his mind. This idiotic girl called him last night and spoke of pure non-sense. Only after he asked her for a long time did he finally find out that it was because of Leng Sichen again.

Though he was angry, he still travelled all night to get back. At that time, there were no more outbound flights. But he couldn't wait and ended up using his private jet.

"Xia Yuxun!"

"What? I hate it when you call me by my full name like that!" Xia Yuxun wasn't happy.

Ou Mingxuan had a disappointed look and sharply slapped her head, "Xia Yuxun, have some guts!"

Xia Yuxun leaned back to dodge, "Speak words, don't attack me! How am I gutless?"

"Can you please do something worthy? Would you die if you don't see Leng Sichen for a day? For you to be where you are today is completely self-inflicted! That man is so spoiled by you he is practically flying! It's your own fault that you are bullied everyday! Even if you want to pursue a man, you need to do it smartly. If you really don't know how, then read 'The Military Science of Sun Zi' or 'Thirty-Six Strategies'. Don't you know what it means to play cat and mouse? Don't you know how to pretend to retreat in order to hide the intention to advance?"

Ou Mingxuan then changed his tone and continued, "Towards a man, you need to play it hot and cold and be seemingly close but also far away. You need to be gentle and caring but also mysterious and dominating. You need to be offensive while playing defense, to be chosen when you are the one choosing. The lowest and worst way to try and win a man is to do everything you can for him. The better way is to be neither friendly or aloof. The best way is to play impossible to get…"

Ou Mingxuan then reached a conclusion, "Xia Yuxun, your idiotic brain only has information about martial arts techniques so you only know the worst ways to get a man!"

After she listened to Ou Mingxuan's speech about "how to get a man", Xia Yuxun's eyes began to emit light. She looked over to him with much admiration and wanted to pray to him like he was a buddha.

"Senior! You are so knowledgeable!" Xia Yuxun said with flattery.

Ou Mingxuan snickered and said without being humble, "You only realize that now?"

Xia Yuxun laughed and then murmured, "Um… senior! God! Based on what you know, how do you think I should strategize my next moves?"

Ou Mingxuan rolled his eyes at her. Why would he teach her how to pursue Leng Sichen?

Was he crazy?!

"What benefits do I get?" Ou Mingxuan raised an eyebrow.

"Other than paying with my own body, you can take your pick!" Xia Yuxun responded wildly.

"Paying with your own body! You sure have sweet thoughts!" Ou Mingxuan's lips twitched, "Deal! I haven't thought of what I want yet. I will tell you once I know!"

"Up to you! So what should I do now?" Xia Yuxun asked in a hurry.

Ou Mingxuan thought about it for a while and then said, "The first thing you need to do is… stop f!cking following that Leng Sichen all day and night!"

Xia Yuxun's neck retracted at his yelling. She then carefully asked, "Then, in your professional opinion, who should I follow around all day?"

Ou Mingxuan's lips curled up sneakily, "Me!"