Good for Nothing

"Hello, Siche!"

"Lil' Xuan, are you better? Are you all good?"

"I've been well for days!"

"Do you need me for something?" Leng Siche's tone was expectant.

"Um… I just wanted to ask you – is the President still at work?" Xia Yuxun asked hesitantly.

"He hadn't left when I left. He said he had more documents to go through." Leng Siche's voice had a hint of disappointment.

Xia Yuxun immediately frowned, "There's no need to say more. Knowing him, he's definitely still at work. He definitely hasn't eaten. When that man gets busy, he gets too lazy to even call for delivery. He already has a weak stomach, yet he keeps on drinking coffee!"

"Lil' Xun…"


"If you care about him so much, then why don't you call and ask him?" Why must you go through me? Why must I find out just how much you care about him and how well you know him?

Xia Yuxun didn't know what to say but eventually answered mysteriously, "I am executing a plan. For seven days, I absolutely cannot go see him and I absolutely cannot call him."


"I'm doing an experiment! I want to know if I can live without him. If I can live without thinking about him.." Xia Yuxun stuttered.

Ou Mingxuan might think she was moronic and naïve. But, in her mind, she's always had her own thoughts and plans.

"So… how's that experiment going?" Leng Siche asked.

She was no longer going in headstrong like before. She was trying to leave him. That was a good sign, right?

Xia Yuxun exhaled deeply and thought about it, "Not sure yet! It's only been a day!"

Leng Siche remained silent.

Lil' Xun, haven't you realized that you started missing him even though it's only been a day? Or else why would you call me?

"Siche, I won't bother you anymore. I will get some food delivery for the President!"

Leng Siche lightly snickered, "I'm happy to be bothered by you. Plus, the President you are talking about is also my older brother!"

"Hehe, that's true."

Leng Siche on the other end of the line was quiet for a moment. Just as Xia Yuxun was about to say bye, he asked, "Lil' Xun, why do you call him 'President'? Even after work…"

Xia Yuxun looked a little discouraged, "It's because I'm scared to be yelled yet. He hates it when people at work talk about private matters. I don't dare to call him Sichen. It's become a habit and I can't change it anymore even after work."


Inside the garden, the three boys who finished practice and were about to go home were called over by Xia Yuxun.

"Xiao Fengzi, don't your live by the Leng Corporation building?" Xia Yuxun asked.

"Yeah! What's up senior sister?" Han Feng wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Xia Yuxun giggled and shoved a container of food towards him, "Help me out! I'll let you get off easy tomorrow during practice!"

When he heard this, Han Feng nodded like a rattle drum. Zhang Bao and Yu Lelu looked very jealous of this. How come such lucky events never happen to them?

So, after half an hour, Han Feng appeared inside the eerily cold Leng Corporation building.

"Senior sister… is this your newest trickery to be played on me?"

Han Feng mumbled in a quiet voice. Then, a hard and gun-like object pushed into his back.

Han Feng's legs went soft and he almost collapsed onto the ground.

"Who sent you here!" The man's voice was cold.

"Sir, spare my life! I am only here to deliver food!" Han Feng held the container over his head.

Legend had it that the President of this company had an odd personality and was very cautious. However, wasn't this too much? Could this be the legendary persecutory delusion?

Thanks to his senior sister, he saw something new today.


The next day.

Han Feng shed tears as he told the tale of the emotional and physical torture and trauma he went through.

Leng Siche now had the title of the demon.

Xia Yuxun's head hurt from exasperation and she furiously interrupted him, "Look at how good-for-nothing you are! I asked you to deliver some food and you complained for an entire day! Was it that bad?"

Just then, a person's voice arose by her ear, "Xia Yuxun, how dare you pick on others! Who's the one that's good for nothing!"

Xia Yuxun felt a chill run down her spine and she said vainly, "I never broke the rule and saw him in person!"

Ou Mingxuan snickered coldly, "You truly cannot mold mud onto the wall, sculpt a soggy log, or teach a useless man! Xia Yuxun, I am so disappointed in you!"