An Unstrained Stray

"You…" When the others heard this, they wanted to go and beat her up. However, the bald man stopped them.

"Please." The bald bowed like a standard martial artist.

Xia Yuxun raised an eyebrow. She could tell he was someone who had been trained.

Normal gang leaders only carried around metal pipes or guns. For him to show her so much respect, he must be obsessed with Kung Fu.

Ten minutes later, they began to fight.

The other gang members watched in bewilderment. They watched as their leader was beaten up by a little girl to the point where he could no longer counter-attack.

All the blood in Xia Yuxun's body burned. She acted like an unstrained stray dog. Just like she had said, she needed to let her anger out. Whoever angered her right now could only be her punching bag.

The other members exchanged glances – flustered. Then, the blond from before had an idea. He snuck up to Xia Yuxun when she wasn't watching and attacked.

Xia Yuxun was focused on combatting against the bald man. The blade showed up in her peripheral vision but it was too late for her to dodge. In the end, her stomach was cut.

She kicked away the man and then stumbled back a few steps while she held onto her wound.

The next second, the blond was kicked again.

The bald man was infuriated, "Bastard! Who told you you could attack!"

Dammit, this time, he truly had no more face left.

"Miss Xia, are you okay? I can take you to the hospital." The bald man walked up to her with shame.

Xia Yuxun ignored him and lifted up her leisure top. Then, she took out ethanol and cotton balls from her purse and tended to her wound. Luckily, the cut wasn't deep and was only surface level.

The bald man's face turned red when he saw how she lifted up her shirt as if nobody was around. He gently coughed, turned around, and then kicked all the others who peeked.

He admired people who could fight. Especially when it was a weak-looking girl. For her to be so good at martial arts, he had much respect for her.

He wanted to use this opportunity to have a good fight against her. Who knew this would be ruined by those bastards?

Just as Xia Yuxun was about to leave, the bald man stopped her, "Sorry, you cannot leave yet. If you want to go to the hospital, I can take you."

Xia Yuxun's brain worked at an extremely fast speed as she suddenly understood, "You aren't trying to kidnap me but are trying to waste my time so I can't get to the office."

Leng Sichen was in danger!

"Get out of my way!"

"Ms. Xia, please don't do this."

"I have met shameless people but I've never met someone this shameless. We agreed to fight solo yet your friend sneaked up on me. Do you all want to fight me together now? Then come at me! I will beat you one by one, pair by pair!"

Xia Yuxun was now truly furious. She thought about how Leng Sichen might be in danger and all her blood rushed to her head.

"…" The bald man was speechless.

Xia Yuxun used this chance to run. After a while, she looked back and saw that nobody followed; she couldn't help but comment, "Never met a gang like yours. If you are a mean one, then bully your way out. If you are a respectable one, then act right until you die. If you aren't mean enough, then you aren't fitted to be in a gang. Plus, you would look nicer with hair."

When she reached the intersection, Xia Yuxun found a cab and rushed to the office. Luckily, her top was black and her bloodstains couldn't be spotted. Or else no cab would dare to take her.

By the time she got to the office, something wrong had already happened.

There was a crowd of people outside the President's office. Other than company employees, there was also a reporter.

The office door was open. Before the desk, a woman held a knife against Leng Sichen's throat. That woman was the extremely popular celebrity, Luo Wei….

How did this happen…

Leng Sichen's gaze was all over the place and he seemed to be out of it. His clothes were all wrinkled. Luo Wei glued herself against him. Her clothes too looked like a mess and she seemed to be in an abnormal state of mind…