You Dare to Hit Me


The sky darkened as heavy clouds loomed ominously in the distance as if something terrible was about to happen.

In the cold wind, a thin figure came staggering into the cemetery.


It was the sound of Yan Yiren's knees dropping to the ground in front of her mother's tombstone. Being unconscious for the larger part of the year had left Yan Yiren feeling weak and shaky.

She also looked deathly pale, as if no blood flowed in her veins. Tears rolled down her cheeks, like pearls from a broken necklace.

"Mother, I'm too stupid... I couldn't even tell the good from the bad. I thought he was a good person... I disappointed grandma... I couldn't even see her for the last time... Trash like me simply doesn't deserve to live anymore!"

Overcome with grief, she hugged the cold tombstone, sobbing hysterically. Just then, a metallic taste rose to her throat, causing her to cough up blood.

Bright scarlet blood stained the tombstone. Hurriedly, Yan Yiren used her hands to try to wipe it off.

But the more she wiped, the bigger that patch of blood became.

She thought of the two people who had joined forces to put up a facade and the shameless deeds they had committed in front of her even when she was unconscious. Humiliation flooded over her once more.

After being hurt so badly, Yan Yiren's heart had gone stone cold toward nearly everyone. She gave a glared at that patch of blood on the tombstone.

She wouldn't let them get away with it just like that!

All the pain and torment she had endured today...all the blood and tears she had shed--she'd make sure they'd pay for it!

Facing her mother's tombstone once more, she kowtowed three times. Yan Yiren's expression turned frosty. "Mother, I wouldn't do anything stupid again. I swear, I would make them regret their actions then!"

Just when she rose from her knees, the rain suddenly poured down.

Her frail body, which was already weak, was made worse for the wear by the cold, heavy raindrops pelting down on her, stinging her eyes.

At that same moment, a shadowy figure emerged from the hazy distance.

Yan Yiren tried her best to fight against the rain beating down on her and to keep her eyes open. It was him!

Chu Huaijin was leading a group of men dressed in black. He was devastatingly handsome and also cold and classy.

He exuded an intimidating aura that would make anyone retreat.

Hell-bent on revenge, Yan Yiren could not think of anyone else who could help her except the man standing before her.

"Young master, please help me."

Yan Yiren, who wasn't carrying an umbrella in this heavy rain, was drenched from head to toe. She looked pathetic as she kneeled directly in front of him.

Chu Huaijin was unmoved. His long and slender legs moved, going around her as he prepared to walk away.

"Young master, I beg you. Please help me. I'm willing to pay anything it takes." Yan Yiren hugged his calf. Her stomach churned, and she coughed up blood once more.

She was so weak. It was as if she only had half her life left and would drop dead at any moment.

Chu Huaijin lowered his gaze, his deep and raspy voice carried a tinge of disdain. "I'm not interested in women who've been used by other men."

Women already used by other men?

Yan Yiren was glad she wasn't one of them!

She raised her head, trying desperately to open her eyes, which was hard to do in the pounding rain. She spoke weakly but clearly, "I'm still a virgin."

One man in black held an umbrella over Chu Huaijin as he crouched down. He was completely dry, in stark contrast to Yan Yiren, who was soaking wet and utterly bedraggled, her wet clothes clinging to her body.

His cold finger touched her chin, raising it, "In what way do you want me to help you?"

"Avenge me."

Chu Huaijin's fingertips grazed her chin, as if deep in thought. "Ji Family?"

Yan Yiren's eyes filled with rage. "And the Yan Family."

"At any cost?"

Yan Yiren shifted her gaze upward. She was filled with determination. "Yes, at any cost."

So long as she got to avenge herself, the cost didn't matter. She wasn't even afraid of death. What was left to fear?

Her body, which she held up through sheer willpower, collapsed as she finished her words.

Chu Huaijin looked at the woman in his arms who had just collapsed, the corners of his lips faintly rising. His fingertips pushed the wet hair clinging to her cheeks, revealing that face of hers, a face that was undeniably flawless.

"Don't you regret your words."


One year ago.


"You wretch. You still have the nerve to show up?"

Slap! A chorus of cursing accompanied the sound of someone being slapped.

Yan Shudan shook her stinging hand, raising her chin to look at the person before her in disdain.

Her sister, dressed in cheap clothes, looked out of place in this luxurious bedroom—her half-sister.

The pain was so intense her face felt numb, followed by a hot swelling pain.

Yan Yiren slowly raised her head, which was tilted to the side. Eyes blazing, she stared straight at the poised Yan Shudan. "Why wouldn't I have the nerve to show up? This is my house. Your mother is but a mistress, and you're but an illegitimate daughter. Is that so great?"


A slap landed on her face once more.

The corners of Yan Shudan's lips twitched. "This slap is for me to educate you. Only those who aren't loved can be called mistresses. And so, your mother is the mistress. Illegitimate daughter? What a joke. There's not one person in Ning City who doesn't know that I, Yan Shudan, am the eldest daughter of the Yan family. Who do you think you are, Yan Yiren."

Yan Yiren took a deep breath; the hand on her side trembled slightly.

"Hehe, a wretch is truly a wretch. I only rebutted with just one sentence..."


The arrogant Yan Shudan clasped her face, unable to control her rage. "You dare to hit me?"

Yan Yiren pursed her lips tightly, using her actions to show whether she dared or not.

Raising her hand once more, she repeated what she had done earlier.

After being hit twice, Yan Shudan was in a daze. No one had ever dared to treat her this way.

"You dare to hit me?" Yan Shudan clasped her face, breathing heavily, "Well, you don't need to think of seeing grandma anymore!"


Yan Yiren's eyes darkened, and she lowered her head to gaze at her hands. What had she just done?

She was here to visit her ailing grandma. Why was she causing a ruckus with Yan Shudan?

As in the past, she could have just tolerated this abuse. After getting scolded and hit a few times, she would be able to see grandma.

Yan Shudan called over two servants in a rage. "Hit her. Save her face!"

The servants hesitated, "Miss, isn't this a bad idea?"

No matter what, she was still one of the daughters of the Yan family. Even though she wasn't doted on, it still didn't seem right for a servant to hit one of the mistresses of the house.

Yan Shudan's expression twisted in rage. "I said hit her! If you aren't going to, then pack up your things and get lost!"

Yan Yiren chuckled. It didn't matter anymore. "Get started. Don't stop me from visiting grandma any longer."

Punches and kicks landed on her body, causing her to curl into a fetal position in pain.

The more pain she felt, the wider her grin became.

Didn't Yan Shudan want her to suffer?

She deliberately didn't want her to get her way.


"Ice your face well, and change your clothes. Don't make grandma think we're mistreating you."

Someone threw a change of clothes and an ice pack at her.

Yan Shudan grasped the ice pack in one hand and put it against her face while huffing disdainfully as if everything she was doing was out of the goodness of her heart.

Out of kindness for a beggar.

Yan Yiren crawled up from the ground. After staggering to her feet, she picked up the ice pack. Wrapping it with a towel, she brought it to her face.

That set of clothes she was given was a baseball uniform, which exuded a youthful style. It was the same brand as the clothes Yan Shudan wore.

Yan Yiren chuckled. Scum always acts one way in front of others and another way behind their backs, just like... Shudan and her mother.

They hated her guts and wanted nothing to do with her. But around grandma, they pretended to treat her well, to treat her as their family, as if the sisters were close.

Forget it.

So long as grandma was happy, anything goes.

Wasn't there this saying, forbearance brings peace?

Outside Madam Yan's bedroom, the two sisters stood at the door, one in front and the other behind.

"Grandma, look who's here?" Yan Shudan switched from her arrogant demeanor from earlier into a courteous one.

If not for what she had experienced, Yan Yiren could have been fooled by the seemingly harmless face Yan Shudan had put on.