Naughty Little Thing

Knock Knock Knock.

She didn't hear the president call for her to come in. Instead, he opened the door himself.

Yan Yiren was shocked, "President, you're looking for me?"

Mr. Chen chuckled perceptively. "Yan, you sure keep a low profile."

Before Yan Yiren knew what was happening, Mr. Chen turned on his heel and left, but not before letting her in.

Yan Yiren hesitated for a moment, before pushing the door open as she entered the room. Before her was a handsome man, sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed.

She was initially surprised but broke into a smile.

Ji Hanjiang rose to his feet. Dressed in an expensive tailored suit, he looked stylish, and the clothes showed off his body well.

The corners of his lips raised as he opened his arms toward her. "Still not coming over?"

The grievances Yan Yiren had held in for the entire afternoon, spilled out at that very moment. She ran toward Ji Hanjiang, right into his arms.

Ji Hanjiang hugged her tightly, burying into her neck as he sniffed. "Were you bullied again when you went to visit the Yan Family in the afternoon?"

Yan Yiren didn't want to make herself seem like a pushover, but she had to admit the truth. She closed her eyes, vaguely answering his question.

In front of her boyfriend, there was nothing to hide.

He knew all of her strengths and weaknesses. He understood why she hid what she hid, and he even sympathized with her misfortunes.

With him around, she could whole-heartedly rely on someone.

"One day, bring me along to visit grandma, won't you?" Ji Hanjiang gave her face a soft kiss.

She had been unwilling to introduce him to her family. So, even if he wanted to help her, it would seem unreasonable.

Yan Yiren flinched, withdrawing into herself. At the thought of her ailing grandma, she sighed. "The doctor said grandma needs to recuperate and shouldn't be agitated in any way. Hanjiang, once grandma's condition stabilizes, I'll bring you to visit her, okay?"

She raised her head while in his embrace. Those misty eyes gazed at him, reflecting her cautiousness.

It was as if... she was scared he'll get angry.

Ji Hanjiang released an inaudible sigh as he caressed her head, "It's all right, I understand. We'll do as you said."

After a hug, Yan Yiren questioned, "Why are you here at the company?"

"Ji Group has an advertising campaign that's looking for collaborators. Since I wanted to see you, I came over personally." Ji Hanjiang pinched her chin as he looked left and right. "Why, you're not happy that I came?"

"Of course... I'm happy."

"Naughty little thing." Ji Hanjiang bowed down, pinching her soft cheeks, "Ji Group has assigned you to be the in charge of this advertising campaign."

Yan Yiren understood everything in an instant, "Young Master Ji, isn't this considered jobbery?"

Young Master Ji was clearly trying to date in the name of work.

"It's my pleasure."

At three in the afternoon, the work discussions were wrapped up. Once the meeting room cleared, Ji Hanjiang tugged on Yan Yiren's hand.

"Yiren, let's have dinner together. I'll come get you."

"All right." Yan Yiren broke into a smile as she stood on her tiptoes, initiatively planting a kiss on his handsome face.

She then proceeded to quickly escape.

As he watched her back briskly walking away, Ji Hanjiang shook his head, unable to control his laughter.

Without sending Ji Hanjiang off, Yan Yiren made her way back to her desk. She didn't wish to reveal their relationship in front of her colleagues.

Not long after she had settled down in her seat, Mr. Chen brought his secretary along, purchasing tea-time snacks for everyone, saying that it's to reward their hard work.

Her colleagues thanked their boss, who then acted modestly. After a round of fawning, they finally started to enjoy the delicious tea-time snacks.

Yan Yiren sat on the chair, sipping her coffee, completely uninvolved in fawning over her boss.

Mr. Chen walked up to her desk, giving her pat on the back. He chuckled as he exclaimed, "Yiren's hard work was why our company had the honor of collaborating with the Ji Group for this advertising campaign. Let's give her a round of applause!"