What Are You in a Daze For?

That night, Yan Yiren's dislocated arm was pushed back into place.

At the same time, her status as a maid was set in stone, and she would no longer be able to return to who she was.

Yan Yiren was not used to having to share a room with other servants.

These servants were just like puppets, and they didn't talk much, even in private. They were as silent as spirits.

She tried to borrow a phone from one of them but failed.

Feeling detected, she laid in bed and stared at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep.

She didn't know how Ji Hanjiang was doing now. And what about Grandma? Had she recovered?

This wouldn't do! She had to find a way to get her hands on a phone tomorrow so that she could update Ji Hanjiang on her status and seek help!


Before dawn broke the following day Yan Yiren was awoken from her deep sleep by being shaken awake by someone.

"Wake up! It's time to work!" A maid shook her awake before going to put on her uniform.

Yan Yiren rubbed the sleep from her eyes and yawned delicately. "What time is it?"


"What?" Yan Yiren snapped awake immediately. "You guys wake up at five-thirty? Isn't that exploitation!?"

The maid glanced at her. "If you're late, you get punished: 20 lashes. It's up to you whether you want to wake up or not."

Yan Yiren had initially felt indignant but at the mention of latecomers receiving 20 lashes, her entire body went taut and she immediately got out of bed.


Did this horrible place completely ignore the law?!

D*mn it! Damn it!

At five forty-five, the servants stood neatly in the front yard of the mansion's main area. That demoness Fang Hong, who made her take care of that crazed woman yesterday, held an attendance book in her hand and began to call their names.

When she called Yan Yiren, Yan Yiren raised her head, her slanted eyes filled with anger as she looked at her.

Yan Yiren rolled her eyes before quickly lowering her gaze. "Here."

"Now that you're here, the first thing you have to learn is to abide by the rules. Only then will there be order. Similarly, if you break the rules, the list of punishments that follows is endless! Understood?" It was as if Fang Hong was intentionally singling her out.

Yan Yiren pursed her lips. "Understood."


Yan Yiren was busy for the entire morning and was so tired that it was hard to even straighten her back.

She was starving. She gently elbowed the maid beside her. "When are we having lunch?" she asked.

She didn't realize that Fang Hong had come up behind her. "Yan Yiren, follow me to the second floor."

"Oh." Throwing the rug in her hands to one side, Yan Yiren followed her.

"In a while, you'll be serving Young Master when he's awake. Before he gets out of bed, get his bedroom slippers ready for him. Before he goes to wash, squeeze some toothpaste onto his toothbrush and fill a cup about 80% full. You will also have to check the battery on his electric razor…"

Yan Yiren didn't manage to catch anything on the extensive list of things Fang Hong had instructed her to take note of.

Fang Hong paused in front of a bedroom. "Let's go in."

Yan Yiren knocked on the door just for the sake of it before pushing the door open and making her way in.

In the spacious bedroom, the enormous double bed really stood out.

The sunlight passed through the window and the curtains, making it seem like gold was scattered all over the floor.

Chu Huaijin was half-naked in bed. He was fast asleep with his head resting on a soft pillow. He looked completely harmless.

No one would have ever thought that such a classy looking man would be rotten down to his very bones!

"What are you in a daze for? Get his slippers ready!" Chu Huaijin's eyes were still closed, but his lips twitched.

Yan Yiren was in a state of shock, and she pursed her lips as she reluctantly walked to the side of the bed. She grabbed the pair of white bedroom slippers. "You can get up."

Chu Huaijin opened his eyes slowly, smiling ever so slightly as he lifted the quilt.
