Still Has the Guts To Stare at Us

After taking a shower, Ji Hanjiang walked over to the window dressed in a bathrobe. Beneath him was the stunning night view of Ning City.

He felt physically satisfied. However, he felt empty inside. The only emotion he felt was anger.

A woman emerged from the bedroom. Folding her arms, she gazed at him from a distance.

Catching sight of him drinking alone, she chuckled softly. She made her way over to him and wrapped her arms around him from behind. Smoothly pulling the wine glass he was about to take a swig from towards herself, she took a sip.

"Isn't it better if I drink with you? How boring it is to drink alone."

Ji Hanjiang grabbed her hand, flinging it off him. "Get lost!"

"If I went away, what would you do for the rest of the night?" The woman stayed where she was, raising her chin as she questioned him.

Ji Hanjiang laughed, the corners of his lips curving up slightly. All of a sudden, his gaze turned cold as he clutched her neck in one hand. He spun them around and pressed her against the window. "Who the hell do you think you are? If I hear another word from you, I'll kill you!"

"Cough…" With her throat being squeezed, the air that entered her lungs decreased exponentially, causing her to turn red. "Let go… Quick, let…"

The hand squeezing her neck suddenly increased in strength, and she was flung aside.

The momentum of the force was huge. After she hit the floor, she rolled over twice before stopping.

Ji Hanjiang lowered his head, glancing at the red lipstick mark on the wine glass as he chuckled coldly. "You've overestimated yourself! Who do you think you are?"

As the woman raised her head, she was greeted with a splash of red wine, making it hard for her to open her eyes.

"Don't…" The woman scrambled to get up. "I'll go, I'll go now."

Finally, he had some peace.

Ji Hanjiang sniffed, the overwhelming sweet scent in the room invading his senses. Furrowing his brows in disgust, he quickly dressed before driving off.


Ji Hanjiang drove to Yan Yiren's apartment. At this time, all the lights in her apartment were switched off.

Was she asleep?

Ji Hanjiang lowered the car window, smoking in silence. He had almost succumbed to his impulses and has nearly rushed straight up there to ask her what on earth had happened in the two days that she had been missing!

Why had she lied to him!

Yan Yiren had gone to bed early because she had work tomorrow.

She lay in bed tossing and turning. She was finding it hard to fall asleep. It was totally unlike last night, when she had Ji Hanjiang beside her, making her feel safe and secure.

Fetching her phone from the nightstand, she checked the time. It was already one-thirty. Would he be entertaining his clients by now?

When she had called him earlier, he had seemed very busy. He didn't say much before hanging up in a hurry.

"Hais…" Grabbing onto her blanket, she sighed before putting her phone down. She willed herself to drift of to sleep.


When Yan Yiren arrived the next day, her female colleagues were speculating about why she has missed work. They had found out that Mr. Chen had allowed her to take paid leave.

Once word got out, rumors started spreading around the company like wildfire.

Taking a seat at her desk, she realized the cactus that she had always placed beside her computer was now dead.

Someone had dug it up out of the pot, Even the soil it was planted in was missing.

With a thump, Yan Yiren placed the flower pot onto her desk before getting to her feet. She turned around, gazing at her female colleagues who had gathered into groups to whisper behind her back.

Her barely contained rage was clear in her voice. "Who did this?!"

Her female colleagues pretended to not have heard her. They broke into laughter, contempt and jealousy clear in their eyes.

"Look at her, acting in an aloof manner. Doesn't she sleep around behind people's backs?"

"She still has the guts to stare at us! Does she really think that she's the President's wife?"

"How shameless! If I was her, I wouldn't have had the cheek to even come to work!"