Pricked at his Heart

She had asked him to pick her up in front of everyone, clearly intending to publicize their relationship.

Once news of their relationship was out, her colleagues wouldn't dare to criticize her any longer.

Ji Hanjiang frowned. It seemed like every single time their relationship was revealed was because of a hidden agenda of hers.

If there was no need to, would she still publicize their relationship?

Ji Hanjiang didn't want to ask her that question, for he knew he would probably get a predictable answer.

Yan Yiren nodded. "Yes and no. On the one hand, I'm too tired to deal with my female colleagues anymore. On the other hand, I feel that our relationship shouldn't be kept a secret any longer."

"What would you like to have for dinner?" Ji Hanjiang changed the subject. It seemed as if he didn't want to waste any more time on the current one.

"Let's have Japanese food."



They asked for a private suite to dine in.

Ji Hanjiang didn't talk much. He seemed absent-minded and remained silent most of the time.

Yan Yiren sensed that something was up. Putting down her chopsticks, she asked in a concerned voice, "Hanjiang, are you alright? Do you feel unwell?"

Ji Hanjiang lifted his head, glancing at her with a smile. "No, do I look like I'm unwell?"

"You do." Yan Yiren nodded her head firmly.

"It's probably because I didn't sleep well last night."

"Is that really why?"

Ji Hanjiang gave a low chuckle. "Why? You don't believe me?"

"Well, I do." Yan Yiren hesitated for a moment, stopping herself despite looking like she had something to say.

To tell the truth, Ji Hanjiang hadn't proposed to her. She had promised Grandma that she would marry Ji Hanjiang.

However, his intentions weren't clear.

He had asked her if she had any plans to marry him before. Her answer back then was to direct the question back to himself.

He was smart. He'd definitely be able to work it out.

She had let it go, but he still hadn't taken any action.

She could wait, but she was afraid that Grandma…

Forget it! It wasn't embarrassing for a woman to propose. He was her boyfriend anyway! So what if it was a little embarrassing?

Ji Hanjiang put his chopsticks down. Leaning his head on one hand, his brows furrowed slightly. "Is there something you wish to say?"

Yan Yiren lowered her head suddenly, feeling her face flush as the heat traveled all the way to her ears. "I don't know where to start. I've got no experience of this."

Ji Hanjiang's eyes deepened in understanding as he pursed his lips. "It's alright, just say it. I'm listening."

Yan Yiren kept her head lowered, her hands clasped together as her fingers twitched. "Hanjiang, will… will you… marry me?"

She finally got the question out, though she practically stuttered through it. However, Yan Yiren didn't heave a sigh of relief. Instead, she felt her heart in her mouth.

She didn't know how he would answer. Would he accept, or reject her?

Ji Hanjiang had never thought that she'd take the initiative and propose. He had thought that she was preparing to come clean…

Astonished, he hesitated for a moment, before sitting up straight. "Of course I do! But first you'll have to meet my parents."

Yan Yiren bit her lip, feeling as though a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She broke into a smile, a smile that made her so undeniably beautiful. "But of course."

"Then I shall arrange a time for you to meet them."

Overwhelmed with joy, Yan Yiren had completely forgotten what the doctor had told her. She had been instructed not to ingest raw or cold food or anything that might upset her stomach.

After eating a piece of salmon sashimi, she felt her stomach flip. She got to her feet immediately, covering her mouth as she ran out of the suite, unable to care about the weird look Ji Hanjiang gave her.

Ji Hanjiang stared at the door in shock. She was vomiting?

He knew that even if she was pregnant, she couldn't have such symptoms so early in the pregnancy. Nonetheless, the issue pricked at his heart.