Why Are You Here?

The servant that dragged Yan Yiren out couldn't help but pity her. She dialed the emergency hotline and requested an ambulance.


It was midnight when Yan Yiren awoke. The only person present in the empty hospital ward was a nurse.

"Are you awake?" the nurse asked.

Coincidentally, this nurse was the one who had reminded her to contact her family to settle the hospital fees when she had been here a few days earlier.

Yan Yiren nodded gently.

The nurse must have thought that she looked pitiful. A woman, especially such a beautiful woman like her, being rushed to the hospital repeatedly. She was not even accompanied by any friends or relatives, and she seemed lonely.

"Are you hungry? Do you want some porridge?"

"I'm not hungry. Where's my phone?" The first thing she wanted after awakening was her phone.

Ji Hanjiang hadn't picked up when she had called him. He had probably been busy. If he couldn't reach her after dealing with important business matters, he would be worried.

The nurse passed her phone over to her. "Don't worry. Your phone hasn't gone anywhere. It's right here."

Yan Yiren reached over and muttered her thanks before adding, "I'll get someone to settle the hospital fees tomorrow. It's too late now."

After the nurse took her leave, Yan Yiren took a look at her phone.

There were no notifications on the screen: no missed calls, nor unread messages.

The phone was completely silent. It was as if it no SIM card in it.

Yan Yiren's chest felt as if it was being gnawed at by tens of thousands of ants.

The waves of pain felt like an infectious virus, rapidly spreading to her limbs and through her entire body.

She took every breath carefully, not daring to exert any strength. Just a little effort left her in unbearable pain.

Ji Hanjiang…


Why are you never here when I need you the most?

The ambulance had come to her aid both times. What about Ji Hanjiang? Where was he?

Was he busy entertaining his clients in the red-light district? Was he busy discussing plans with his business partners, or was he busy working overtime in his office?

All these questions were things she had no answers to.


The next day, Ji Hanjiang woke up suddenly. He sat up, clasping his aching head. He was suffering from a hangover.

"Hanjiang, why not sleep for a little longer?" A slim arm weaved onto his.

At the sound of the woman's voice, Ji Hanjiang went still, shocked. He turned around, his brows knitted tightly. "Why are you here?"

"You were in a bad mood yesterday, so you had too much to drink. By chance, I saw you, so I brought you back to the hotel after you passed out," the woman explained as she sat up. Sitting behind him, she reached out to gently massage his temples.

"Do you feel better now?"

Ji Hanjiang shut his eyes, pressing his lips together tightly without giving her a reply.

The trace of a smile graced her features as she put her mind to alleviating his headache.

Not giving her a reply was the best reply. At least he hadn't chased her out.

That was a great start, wasn't it?

When the worst of his headache had passed, Ji Hanjiang got off the bed without a moment of hesitation. With his back facing her, he called out, "I hope you're gone by the time I get out of the shower."

The woman pursed her lips. "Oh, don't be so petty! How can I go out looking like this?"

"Get out!"

She decided to give in and got out of bed to pick up her the clothes from the floor. As she did so, her phone rang. Reaching out, she picked up it from the nightstand.

Looking at the notification that popped up, a glint flashed in her eyes before she glanced over to the tightly shut bathroom door.

Quickly putting her clothes on, Ling Yunhuan left the hotel.

By the time she had rushed to the hospital, Yan Yiren was already sitting up, leaning onto the side of the bed. She looked frail as she donned the striped hospital gown.