Refused Entry

Logic told her that it wasn't the right time to let Yan Yiren know of her relationship with Ji Hanjiang.

Besides, she wouldn't do anything in front of Ji Hanjiang.

But to just leave like that made her feel indignant…

Very indignant!

They had already arranged to meet each others' parents and would soon bring up their plans for marriage. Once they got married, Ling Yunhuan did not dare imagine what would happen to her.

Without a doubt, Ji Hanjiang loved Yan Yiren. However, it wasn't a deep love, the type of love where he was willing to die for her.

Getting married would mean that Yan Yiren would entrust herself entirely to him. With the real deal, would he still want this friend with benefits arrangement?

Ji Hanjiang had no time to deal with her. Just as he flung her hand off, his phone rang.

Ling Yunhuan glanced at him, holding her breath. Ji Hanjiang picked up his phone and took a deep breath as he tried his best to keep calm. "Yiren, I still have some documents to sign. My secretary will take you all along to the meeting room first. I'll be there in a minute."

Yan Yiren was standing right outside the President's office, her gaze lowered as she broke into a small smile. "I'm right outside your office now. Can I come in?"

The office was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

There was only a small distance between Ling Yunhuan and Ji Hanjiang, so she heard what Yan Yiren had just said. Her eyes widened, and, flustered, she grabbed a tight hold of his trousers.

"What now?"she mouthed.

Ji Hanjiang could work out what she was trying to ask. He shot her a cold look. He'd like to know what they should do now too!

Ling Yunhuan couldn't walk out of the office now. She'd definitely bump into Yan Yiren.

She was just an assistant manager. There was no good reason for her to be in the President's office.

At the silence, the smile on Yan Yiren's face stiffened. She was standing in full view of the secretary and manager's office. What would they think of her?

Would they think she was a shameless woman, a woman trying to stake her claim on Ji Hanjiang?

Would they see that she was a woman who had been refused entry to his office?

Embarrassed, she asked, "Why, is it not a convenient time?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" Ji Hanjiang chuckled. "I'll come out now…"

"Since I'm doing a spot check, I'm coming straight in, ok?" Yan Yiren knocked on the door just for the sake of it before pushing it open and making her way in.

At the sight of her entering the room, Ji Hanjiang, who was sitting on that gigantic desk of his gave her a helpless look. "Why did you come in without waiting for me to open the door for you?"

"How would I dare trouble Young Master Ji, who has to attend to a myriad of affairs every day, to open the door for me?" Yan Yiren hung up. Walking to the desk, she took a seat on the chair before it.

Resting her elbow onto the desk, she leaned into her hand, looking at him with suspicion in her eyes. "Did you get upset just now because I wanted to come in?"

The instant she had knocked on the door, Ji Hanjiang had slid his office chair over. Only the top of the chair was visible with the rest of it hidden underneath the desk.

Ling Yunhuan was hidden perfectly.

Ji Hanjiang was grateful that his desk was big enough. Otherwise, he would be in deep trouble today.

He put his phone down on the desk as he tried to give her an explanation. "My girlfriend came over to the company to do a spot check," he said solemnly. "Of course, I'm happy. Why wouldn't I be? It means that you care about me. Such a gorgeous girlfriend cares about me! I can't even wait to dote on you, so why would I be unhappy?"

These few words seemed, on the surface, to be offering an explanation. However, with every single sentence, he was just confessing.