It Was Impossible for Now at Least

Ling Yunhuan ruffled her hair. "Come to my place tonight, and we'll have a great time. What do you think?"

Ji Hanjiang had mixed feelings. After being with Ling Yunhuan, he felt like he had let Yan Yiren down. On the other hand, now that he had tasted what it was like, it was like he was addicted. He couldn't quit.

He had always been a skilled player in the game of love. He had messed around with countless women. However, abstaining from sex for one woman was impossible for him.

It was impossible for now, at least.

In the future, when he married Yan Yiren, he would give it all up.

He knew that Ling Yunhuan liked him. If not, she wouldn't have sneaked into his room while he was drunk, despite him being her best friend's boyfriend. This had created an opportunity for their casual relationship to take root.

It had been her first time.

Ji Hanjiang still could clearly remember what had happened. He had been dreaming. Halfway through the dream, he woke up. The sight of Ling Yunhuan sitting on him, her face filled with agony, entered his vision.

As soon as he realized what was happening, he had been extremely angry and had immediately pushed her off the bed.

"We're both adults," she had said. "We won't interfere with each other's relationships." He had wavered and had given in to temptation.

Once the relationship started, they let it continue. They got used to hiding their relationship from Yan Yiren and managed to do it seamlessly, hooking up with each other countless times behind her back.

He had previously suspected Ling Yunhuan's motives, but over the past three years, he had realized that Ling Yunhuan truly practiced what she preached. She willingly and secretly became his friend with benefits, and they never interfered with each others' lives.

Ji Hanjiang suddenly broke into a smile. With a hint of frivolity, he pinched Ling Yunhuan's chin. "Who will get to give you a good time in the future?"

"Don't I have you?"

"Me?" Ji Hanjiang scoffed lightly, releasing her as his gaze turned cold. "I'm going to marry Yiren. The day we get married shall be the day you leave Ning City."

Ling Yunhuan put on an aggrieved expression. "I understand, but you guys aren't married yet!"


Emerging from the restroom, Ji Hanjiang quickly returned to his seat. "Yiren, you've been waiting for ages, haven't you?"

Yan Yiren was still in a daze because of what the stranger had said to her. She only lifted her head when Ji Hanjiang returned to his seat. "You're back?"

Ji Hanjiang awkwardly tugged on his lips. "What happened? What's on your mind?"

If Yan Yiren had observed him carefully, she would have noticed that Ji Hanjiang was nervous.

He was nervous because of his guilty conscience.

Yan Yiren gazed at him silently, her mood already adversely affected. "I was thinking about why you were gone for such a long time. How many cigarettes did you smoke for all the dishes to have gone cold?"

She wouldn't just jump to conclusions because of some words from a stranger and start suspecting people around her. Besides, the man might not have been referring to Ji Hanjiang.

Who on earth was he referring to?

Why had he said such a thing to her?

Was he friend or foe?

Was he trying to incite something, or was he warning her out of the kindness of his heart?

"I'll tell them to take back the dishes and give us a new batch."

Ji Hanjiang gestured towards the waiter. Yan Yiren did not have much of an appetite and decided to stop him. "There's no need. Let's just eat. Don't waste any more time."

Lunch was dull.

No matter how hard Ji Hanjiang tried to start a conversation, no matter how many jokes he cracked, Yan Yiren still couldn't bring herself to smile.

For some reason, her heart felt heavy.

Logically speaking, if he had been in the smoking area all this time, he should have had a strong smell of cigarettes on him, but that wasn't the case.