He Was Getting Closer (1)

Upon hearing that Yan Xiruo wanted to follow him back, the cold and indifferent man suddenly turned down the corners of his lips. His dark eyes became cooler. "I'm not interested in you." After saying this, he turned around coldly.

Yan Xiruo didn't expect this man's attitude to change so quickly! What exactly did he treat her as?

After ruining her, he didn't even apologize. Now, she'd taken the initiative to express interest, but he became so hostile and expressionless…

Yan Xiruo didn't know what she was thinking either. She just felt terrible and angry. Lu Jingchen didn't treat her well, and this man also didn't take her seriously. Was she really that easy to bully?

Perhaps she was really drunk. She didn't even know what she was doing, but she suddenly chased after him and pulled at his sleeves, which had gold cufflinks. "Hey, if you don't listen to me, I'll go to the police station and report you…" Her voice was soft and didn't carry with it any threat.

Ye Juemo stopped in his tracks and tilted his head to look at Yan Xiruo. A layer of mist covered her watery eyes. She looked drunk, and two pink powder patches appeared on her beautiful melon-sized face. Her eyebrows revealed a girl's inexperience and a woman's charm.

Ye Juemo's deep and narrow eyes squinted slightly. His thin lips seemed to curve up a little. "Can you afford to play?"

Yan Xiruo thought of the words Lu Jingchen had said when he was hugging the woman. Her heart ached and tears covered her long eyelashes. "As long as you dare to bring me away, I can afford it."

The Lu family was one of the well-known families in An City. If an ordinary man saw Lu Jingchen, he would not and dare not provoke this Mrs. Lu-in-name. However, when this man full of coldness and arrogance saw Lu Jingchen, he actually didn't have any trace of fear…

Ye Juemo glanced at Yan Xiruo's pale face coldly, and his gaze became darker. A few seconds later, he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed her slender waist with his big palms.

Yan Xiruo looked at the man well within reach. The faint tobacco scent on his body was mixed with peppermint. It was a smell unique to mature men.

Her vision started to blur. This distinct face in front of her was gradually blended with the person buried deep in her heart.

Before Yan Xiruo could react, he suddenly lifted her up horizontally and strode out of the bar.

Xia Wanqing noticed that Yan Xiruo didn't return from the bathroom even after a long time. She got up and went to find Yan Xiruo. When she reached the washroom, a colleague told her that someone had brought Yan Xiruo out.

When Xia Wanqing chased after her, she saw only a tall and big man carrying Xiruo into a cool and luxurious limited edition Lamborghini sports car.