Leaning in Closer (2)

After Ye Juemo put on clean clothes, he squinted his deep and narrow eyes and looked at Yan Xiruo, who kept looking out of the car window as she didn't dare to look at him.

The white dress on her body was so wet that it looked as if it was a transparent thin material clinging tightly to her body. It outlined her delicate and exquisite figure and even faintly revealed the shape and color of her bra and underwear.

Ye Juemo's gaze was fixed on her bra that faintly showed a picture of Hello Kitty. A trace of laughter that was not easily detectable flashed past his deep eyes.

This 20-year-old woman had the heart of a youth.

Even though she was looking out of the car window, Yan Xiruo felt a strong gaze on her back.

She turned her head and found him staring at her with his deep eyes. She instinctively clamped her legs tight and glared at him with embarrassment and hatred. "You're a hooligan!"

Ye Juemo curved his lips with interest. He suddenly leaned over and waved his hands forcefully. He immediately ripped her dress into two parts.

Yan Xiruo's pupils enlarged and her hands subconsciously wrapped around her chest. The expression on her face was filled with extreme embarrassment and hatred. "A*shole, what are you trying to do? I warn you, if you dare to touch me, I'll kill myself in front of you…" She was really too foolish. How could she have followed him into the car so easily?

Ye Juemo squinted and sized Yan Xiruo up from head to toe. "Don't overestimate yourself. If you hadn't thrown yourself at me, I wouldn't have bothered laying a hand on a woman like you." After saying this, he threw a clean nightgown at her. "Wear this."

Yan Xiruo was stunned. He wasn't trying to touch her when he ripped her clothes off just now. Instead, he was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable wearing wet clothes, and thus…?

She put on the large nightgown and lowered her long and densely curled eyelashes. She opened her lips and said, "Thank you."

Ye Juemo started the engine and replied coldly, "Don't overthink. I just don't want to see you pretending to be wet and then seducing me."

Yan Xiruo rolled her eyes secretly. She knew it. This man gave her a nightgown not because he was worried that she would catch a cold.

"Don't worry. Even if I wanted to be wet and seduce someone, it would be my husband that I'd seduce." As she thought about Lu Jingchen, her heart suddenly became heavy and low.

The incidents that happened in a short period of time made Yan Xiruo feel helpless and confused. Lu Jingchen was the man she had been secretly in love with for years. It was her lifelong dream to marry him.

In those moments as they exchanged rings in church, she'd felt both lucky and happy. With everyone's blessing as they clapped, she felt that she was the luckiest woman in the world.

However, it was just a gorgeous yet unrealistic dream.

She had woken up from the dream. Her heart was also broken.

"Thinking of another man in my car?" When Yan Xiruo was distracted, a low voice filled with warning suddenly traveled over.

Yan Xiruo immediately recovered herself and rubbed her thin lips. She looked out of the car window with slightly red eyes. "He's not another man. He's my legal husband."

"When are you getting a divorce?"

Yan Xiruo was stunned, and she quickly turned her head to look with an expression of puzzlement at the handsome man hidden in the dim light. Under the interlacing light and shadow, his face carried with it a look of careful concealment that she couldn't understand. "What do you mean? What business is it of yours if I get a divorce or not?" They got acquainted due to a mistake and had not reached the stage where they were familiar with one another, right?

While waiting for the traffic light, Ye Juemo tilted his head and looked at Yan Xiruo's beautiful face. "Weren't you trying all ways to make me notice you? You have already achieved your aim."