Another Encounter

Lu Jingchen couldn't listen to Yan Xiruo's words at all. The desire in him was burning so badly that he needed to release it desperately right now.

"Yan Xiruo, another man outside already had sex with you before. Stop pretending to be chaste. Furthermore, this is something that is very common between a married couple. If you struggle again, don't blame me for being rude."

Seeing the look of imperativeness in Lu Jingchen's eyes, Yan Xiruo felt cold in her heart.

Were men always this overbearing and barbaric?

The man who ruined her innocence refused to hear her explanation and always felt that she was playing the cat-and-mouse game to seduce him. Now, regardless of her wishes, Lu Jingchen wanted to use her as a means to release his burning desire.

Hah. Her life was really damned sad!

"Lu Jingchen, I won't let you get your way." Yan Xiruo gritted her teeth. She forced back the unbearable tears in her eyes.

Lu Jingchen sneered and laughed. "Yan Xiruo, didn't you love me? You must have been looking forward to this for a long time, right?"

Yan Xiruo kept pushing and kicking him with her hands and feet. Lu Jingchen was accidentally kicked by her.

It hurt so much that he sucked in a breath of cold air. He became irrational and gave Yan Xiruo a slap.

Yan Xiruo's ears buzzed. She felt burning pain on her face and her mind went blank.

Lu Jingchen grabbed Yan Xiruo's chin tightly.

Yan Xiruo felt panicked and helpless.

She knew that they were a married couple. Even if he raped her, she had no means to complain.

However, she was unwilling to let him touch her in her heart.

His lips started to slide down from her face to her collarbone slowly. When he was about to continue sliding down, Yan Xiruo's slightly trembling hands felt an ashtray on the bedside table.

After a bang, there were a few seconds of silence in the air.

Lu Jingchen raised his hand slowly. He touched the back of his head, where he felt tremendous pain. What he came into contact with was a sticky and wet substance.

"Yan. Xi. Ruo!" This damned woman actually dared to hit him!

Yan Xiruo pushed Lu Jingchen away, as if scared out of her wits. After jumping down from the bed, she stumbled and headed for the door. As the lights weren't switched on, her knee bumped into something and she felt a sharp pain.

"Yan Xiruo, you actually dared to hit me. Stay there!" As Lu Jingchen held the back of his head, which was bleeding profusely, he chased after Yan Xiruo.

Yan Xiruo didn't dare to look back. After pulling open the door, she stumbled out.

She ran desperately, afraid that Lu Jingchen would catch up with her. When she turned a corner on the fourth floor, her delicate body suddenly bumped into a firm chest.

The tip of her nose ached. She lowered her eyes and saw black leather shoes and a pair of slender legs comparable to a model's in front of her. All the nerves in her body tightened again.

Although she hadn't seen the face of this person in front of her, the coldness that emanated from his body made one shiver.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you." Only bigshots could roam around the fourth floor. Regardless of who it was, she couldn't afford to offend him.

Her hands clenched her shirt, which had been ripped open, tightly. She hung her head low and wanted to leave the man. However, a warm and big palm held her slender wrist tightly.