Leaning in Intimately

Yan Xiruo looked at the coldness that was radiating from Ye Juemo's eyes. She swallowed her saliva in fear and said, "What do you want to do?" When she spoke, she tried hard to peel his big hand off the door frame. However, the next second, her wrist was firmly held by him.

His palm was warm and powerful. Yan Xiruo's heart trembled fiercely.

She opened her mouth and was about to say something when she was thrown roughly to the sofa. This was done so quickly that she couldn't resist.

Although the sofa was soft, her head was still dizzy for a few seconds.

His big and tall figure suppressed her, forming a shadow over her head. He pinched her chin with one hand and propped the other on her head. His deep and narrow eyes squinted slightly, and he looked at her from atop. "It has been a long time since someone dared to talk to me in such a tone!"

Yan Xiruo's heart trembled.

It was clear from this man's appearance and temperament that he wasn't someone to mess around with. She must have been really confused just now. Otherwise, why would she have been so silly as to have spoken such words?

Looking at his cold and dark face, Yan Xiruo developed fear, as if she had just stroked a tiger's whiskers.

She lowered her eyes and advised herself not to provoke him further. Otherwise, he might really tear her apart.

"Mister, if my words had hurt your self-esteem, I apologize. Let's talk nicely. Let me get up first, alright?"

Although Yan Xiruo had lowered her eyes and he couldn't see the expression in them, her slightly trembling body still betrayed her heart.

This woman was afraid of him. At the same time, this proved that she really didn't have any thoughts toward him!


Ye Juemo's lips curved into a smile without any clear meaning.

Yan Xiruo looked at his half-laughing expression and a chill ran down her spine.

"My stomach's feeling unwell and I want to go to the washroom. Let me up first!" Yan Xiruo placed both hands on his chest and wanted to push him away. However, he flung her hand away and his firm chest pressed against her soft chest.

Yan Xiruo felt suffocated.

She was both troubled and embarrassed.

Although she was married, she was still young and conservative in some matters.

Looking into his deep and narrow eyes, Yan Xiruo secretly panicked. She kept moving her body and never stopped struggling. The rubbing movement of the thin fabric between them produced an ambiguous atmosphere. His breathing became heavier.

"Stop moving!" His low voice carried with it hoarseness and warning.

Yan Xiruo only wanted to break free from him. She was completely unaware that her twisting movements beneath him were considered a form of fatal seduction for men.

When she realized that the man continued to become erect, she froze like a stone, finding this reaction dangerous and scary.

Her clear pupils shrank tightly. The hands she'd placed on his shoulders were trembling slightly.

Her beautiful face gradually flushed red.

In the air that suddenly became calm, only his heavy breathing and the sounds of their heartbeats could be heard clearly.

Under the warm yellow light, his handsome face carried with it a trace of forbearance. His dark pupils were mixed with beast-like danger, as if he would swallow her whole if she continued to move.

He pinched her chin, and his outrageously handsome face leaned in closer to hers. He said in a low and dangerous voice, "Do you know that it is considered to be a form of seduction if you continue to move about under a man's body?"

Yan Xiruo blushed. She shouted at him, shy and annoyed, "I didn't. Stop reading too much into things." Could this man be any more shameless?