Intimate Interaction

In the bathroom…

Surrounded by mist, Yan Xiruo stood under the shower and covered her hot cheeks with both hands. She felt both annoyed and ashamed.

Sparks nearly flew between them on the sofa just now…

At that time, he had tied her hands and her legs were suppressed by him. She couldn't resist at all.

His kiss fell from her face to her chest. His slightly cold fingers explored a soft spot between her legs.

He threw her to the bathroom only when he was about to succumb. When he left, he even leaned in evilly close to her ear and said in a low and hoarse voice, "Woman, your reaction is no less weak than mine."

Yan Xiruo patted her red cheeks, and her fingers rubbed the areas where he touched hard.

A*shole, a*shole, a*shole…

They weren't close in the first place. Why did he have to take advantage of her every time they met?

Furthermore, each time went more overboard than the other!

What was more abominable was that she was so disappointing. In her heart, she clearly didn't want him to touch her. However, she couldn't control her body…

She bit her lower lips hard and couldn't help but give herself a slap. Coincidentally, she slapped the area where Lu Jingchen had hit her previously. It hurt so much that she sucked in a breath of cold air.

Ye Juemo went to Ling Zhihan's room, which was opposite his, to take a shower. After Ling Zhihan returned, he sat on the sofa to wait for Ye Juemo.

Ye Juemo walked out in a white bath towel. There were still tiny water droplets on his soft and black hair. These dripped from his handsome face to his muscled chest. He obviously didn't do anything. However, he exuded the charm of a mature man.

Due to his life experience, he joined the army when he was over ten years old. His figure was stronger and better than that of men who worked out regularly. However, he wasn't overly muscular, like that of a fitness coach. He was just right, and there was an inexplicable sense of beauty in him. Even Ling Zhihan, who was a man, couldn't help but feel envy.

"Second Brother, with this figure of yours, if you go and become a prostitute one day, you will definitely be a hot favorite…"

Before he could finish his words, Ye Juemo cast his cold gaze over at him. Ling Zhihan shrugged his shoulders and his evil smile deepened. "You wanted that woman just now, right? To be honest, both of you should take a shower together after sex. A man like you who has been abstinent for such a long time wouldn't feel satisfied after just one time, right?"

"You have so much crap to say!" Ye Juemo's face turned cold and he headed toward the door.

"Second Brother, since there is a woman that interests you, bring her out so that we can take a look as well!"

"Stop gossiping!" After saying this, Ye Juemo pulled open the door and left.

Yan Xiruo stayed in the bathroom for almost an hour. She couldn't stay here any longer and could only wrap a towel over her chest, pull open the door, stick her head out, and glance outside.

Ye Juemo stood in front of the window curtains, his back facing Yan Xiruo. He only had a towel tied around his waist and his upper body was naked. His wide shoulders and slender legs exuded strong masculinity. One look at him and Yan Xiruo blushed before withdrawing her gaze.

When he carried her into the bathroom, her T-shirt and jeans were thrown to the ground. Of course, even if she put on the T-shirt that was previously ripped open by Lu Jingchen and torn apart by Ye Juemo, she wouldn't have been able to cover her body much.

She wanted to leave quietly. However, without her clothes and only in a bath towel, she couldn't just go out!

She couldn't go out and she didn't want to ask him for help again. Just when she was feeling entangled, the man who was looking out of the window suddenly turned around and looked at her.