Dancing Together

They were too far apart and Yan Xiruo couldn't hear their conversation. Anyway, Ye Juemo didn't have much expression on his face and he was as cold and cool as before. However, Ye Shasha smiled like a blooming flower.

If it were her, no matter what he said, she couldn't smile when facing a face that was as cold as an ice mountain.

She lowered her head and selected some food again. However, her lips curved and carried a trace of mockery.

A man in suit and leather shoes carried a microphone up to the stage.

"Dear distinguished guests, our banquet organizer tonight has prepared a small lottery activity. The staff personnel will distribute numbered cards to each guest. Blue numbers will be given to the gentlemen while red numbers will be given to the ladies. I'll pick out a blue number and a red number from two boxes later. As long as the selected guests dance to a tune together, they can win a set of diamond jewelry worth ten million yuan."

As the host's words fell, Yan Xiruo received a number distributed by the staff personnel.

To be honest, jewelry worth ten million yuan was attractive to women. However, she didn't have much good luck all her life and wasn't expecting it to fall on her head any time soon.

Yan Xiruo, who was indifferent to the activity, stood in a corner again and continued eating.

Halfway through her meal, she suddenly heard the host repeating a number. "Red number 16. Will the lady with red number 16 please step forward?"

No female guest stepped forward in the banquet hall.

Yan Xiruo felt that this number sounded familiar. She put down her plate and hurriedly glanced at the number that she had thrown to the sofa.

Number 16!

She widened her mouth in disbelief.

Was this for real? She was selected?

The staff personnel who was helping the host to locate number 16 saw the number in Yan Xiruo's hands and shouted loudly, "Number 16's here."

Everyone in the banquet hall looked over at Yan Xiruo.

Being stared at by countless pairs of eyes suddenly, Yan Xiruo started to blush.

"Let's give a round of applause to invite the blue number 20 and the red number 16 for a dance together!" the host said.

Yan Xiruo stared at the tall and big figure walking out from the crowd. All the blood in her body started to flow backward.

Number 20 was actually Ye Juemo!!!

This was too coincidental!

The guests automatically opened a path for Ye Juemo. Seeing him walking over, Yan Xiruo felt as if she was rooted to the ground.

He stood tall and straight and didn't sway in his movements. His face had cold and hard lines, and his deep facial features were exquisite, like a statue's. He had a noble and cold temperament.

Watching him slowly approaching her, Yan Xiruo felt that her heart was about to jump out from her chest.

She had to admit that the moment he appeared, he really looked like an almighty and superior king who had fallen from the skies. And she, she was a concubine waiting for him to pamper her.

Her thick eyelashes fluttered a few times. She clenched her hands into fists and tried hard to control her racing heartbeat.

After a while, a pair of shiny black leather shoes stopped in front of her. Her gaze slowly moved up from his straight trousers to his deep and black eyes. She lightly rubbed her thin lips sexily; her ears were so red that they were about to produce smoke.

Ye Juemo bent down and extended his right hand elegantly, like a gentleman.

Yan Xiruo slowly placed her soft hand into his big, defined palm.

The moment she followed him to the dance floor and became everyone's focal point, she thought in her heart that the jewelry must really be too attractive for her to have chosen to dance with Ye Juemo!